• Evenemang idag
Oktober 2025
Scandinavium Göteborg


Package details subject to change without notice. All VIP packages are NON-TRANSFERABLE; NO NAME CHANGES will be permitted under any circumstances; NO REFUNDS or EXCHANGES; all sales are final. Please note this offer is not valid for tickets purchased via Fan to Fan Resale. By participating in any event with BUSH, you hereby agree that your name, photographic and/or video image, and voice may be used in any media, whether now known or hereafter invented, throughout the world for any purpose whatsoever. Non-ticket package elements will be subject to the non-transferable restrictions listed above.

You will receive an email 2-3 days prior to the performance date with instructions on how to redeem your VIP Experience. Additional communication regarding your purchase may be sent via SMS text message to the phone number you provided during the purchase process. VIP programming may take place up to 3-4 hours before show time. Check-in details will also be posted HERE when confirmed.
Exclusive VIP merchandise items will be shipped directly to the address you provide with your order or distributed on-site at the VIP event. If the merchandise is distributed on-site, we cannot ship your items if you choose not to pick them up. Shipped merchandise is not guaranteed to arrive before your show date. By purchasing a VIP package, you agree to share your information with the VIP provider in order to receive communications regarding your VIP experience and to receive VIP merchandise by mail. Any shipped merchandise not claimed within 90 days is subject to availability.
RELEASE: You release, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless, BUSH, and its respective members, officers, directors, employees and agents (the "Released Parties") from and against all claims (known and unknown), liabilities, injuries, death, loss and/or damages of any kind arising from your participation in the VIP Package and/or meet & greet, or the acceptance, possession or use or misuse of the package or any related prizes. You assume all risks associated with the VIP Package or use or misuse of any related prizes, and you agree that the Released Parties will not be responsible or liable for any injury, harm, death, damages, costs, or expenses.
If you have questions regarding your VIP package, please reach out to Please & Thank You’s Customer Success team at [email protected] or text +1 (916) 655-9270
13 år
Vid bokning av rullstolsbiljett ingår 1 fri medföljare utan biljett. Entré via Scandinaviums Huvudentré. Placering på rad 6, sektion C, D, R eller T.

Mer information kring tillgängligheten på arenan hittar du här: Tillgänglighet på Scandinavium Du är också välkommen att ringa Ticketmaster tillgänglighetslinje på 077 670 77 77 (telefontid vardagar klockan 09:00-13:00).

Biljetter & tider

Söndag 19 Oktober 2025 19:02 Boka hos Ticketmaster
Visar platsen där evenemanget utspelar sig(Scandinavium). Positionen är angiven av den som lagt upp evenemanget. BUSH - VIP PACKAGES, Scandinavium


Hett evenemang
Hett evenemang
Hett evenemang
Hett evenemang
Hett evenemang


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Välj leverantör

Nöje.se   Tickster   Ticketmaster

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