• Evenemang idag
Oktober 2025
Scandinavium Göteborg

VOLBEAT Greatest Of All Tours Worldwide VIP Packages

Packages are open to all ages. Guests under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. All package purchasers will be contacted 3-5 days prior to the event date with the event schedule, check-in location, time, and instructions on where to pick up package inclusions. Such information will be sent by the venue box office to the e-mail address or telephone number provided at the time of purchase. If you have not received this 3 days before the show, please contact us immediately at [email protected]. Merchandise items included in your package will be available for pickup at the venue the day of the show at the designated VIP check-in location (or other designated location). All merchandise must be collected onsite on the day of the show and will not be mailed if you do not check-in. You must bring a valid photo ID matching the purchaser’s name on this order to the event. Guests who cannot present a photo ID matching the purchaser’s name on the order will be turned away. If you need to add an alternate pick-up name, please contact [email protected] within 10 days of purchase. You may be required to sign a waiver and release of liability. By purchasing a package, you consent to have your photograph taken at the event. These images may appear in a collective album that will be visible by other event attendees. Certain images may be shared by Superfan, the photographer, and/or the artist for promotional purposes. Events, dates, venue location, inclusions, merchandise, package programs, and amenities may vary market-by-market and are subject to change and cancellation at any time. All sales are final. No refunds, exchanges, resales, or transfers will be permitted. All package elements will be rendered invalid if resold or transferred. Please note this offer is not valid if this ticket was purchased via Fan to Fan Resale. Partial attendance at a single-day event or multiple-day event is not eligible for a refund. The artist, tour promoter, ticketing company, venue and any other affiliated parties reserve the right to sell additional items not currently listed, including but not limited to single-day tickets or additional packages, at their sole discretion. The artist, tour, promoter, ticketing company, venue or any other affiliated parties are not responsible for outdated or inaccurate information provided by the guest at the time of purchase which may result in undelivered product. If you have ACCESSIBLE needs, please email [email protected] as soon as you have placed your order, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs based on availability at the venue. Follow Superfan on Instagram @wearesuper.co

13 år
Vid bokning av rullstolsbiljett ingår 1 fri medföljare utan biljett. Entré via Scandinaviums Huvudentré. Placering på rad 6, sektion C, D, R eller T.

Mer information kring tillgängligheten på arenan hittar du här: Tillgänglighet på Scandinavium Du är också välkommen att ringa Ticketmaster tillgänglighetslinje på 077 670 77 77 (telefontid vardagar klockan 09:00-13:00).

Biljetter & tider

Söndag 19 Oktober 2025 19:01 Boka hos Ticketmaster
Visar platsen där evenemanget utspelar sig(Scandinavium). Positionen är angiven av den som lagt upp evenemanget. VOLBEAT Greatest Of All Tours Worldwide VIP Packages, Scandinavium


Hett evenemang
Hett evenemang
Hett evenemang
Hett evenemang
Hett evenemang


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Nöje.se   Tickster   Ticketmaster

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